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Paving Professionals

Permeable Paving

Permeable Paving

Permeable paving has become a lot more popular in the last few years and certainly will become a standard in the paving world quite soon. When large surfaces get covered in tarmac or hard landscaping the water run off and drainage becomes a problem. Drainage and water flow must not be overlooked when installing paved surfaces as the runoff needs to be adequately controlled. Permeable block paving consists of natural or man made stones that allow a certain proportion of water to flow through the stone itself which really reduces overall runoff, therefore putting much less pressure on storm drains and other water controlled areas. The water is also able to seep between the stones thus aiding a quicker through flow. Although most water still ends up in the same sewers, by staggering the main bulk of the water flow can really help make storm drains much more efficient and safely controllable. We offer permeable paving around the Norfolk area, and we are aware that building regulations will be taking note of pushing modern builds to have permeable paving as standard.

Permeable Paving services Norfolk

Most types of block work and brick weave paving options can be laid to effectively manage water flow around the property, so if you are unsure what the options are, or what would be best for your hard landscaping around your property please pick up the phone and call us direct at our Norfolk office.